Click Shaft
The Shaft Definition dialog box appears.

Select the profile you want to extrude.
In our example, the profile (highlighted) is open.

The application displays the name of the selected sketch
in the Selection box from the Profile
frame and previews the shaft.

In our scenario, the profile and the axis belong
to the same sketch. Consequently, you do not have to select
the axis.
The Reverse Side button
lets you choose between creating material between the axis and the profile
or between the profile and existing material. You can apply this option
to open or closed profiles.
In our scenario, as our open profile cannot
be trimmed if we use the default direction, that is in the direction
of the axis, click Reverse Side or alternatively
click the arrow pointing to 360 degrees so as to obtain this

The extrusion will be done in the direction
opposite to the axis and it will be trimmed to existing material.
The application previews limits,
LIM1 that corresponds to the first angle value, and
LIM2 that corresponds to the second angle value.
The first angle value is by default 360 degrees.
Enter the values of your choice in the
First angle and Second angle boxes.
Make sure that the sum of the two angles is less than 360 degrees.
Click OK to confirm.
The shaft is created. The specification
tree mentions that it has been created.