Replacing Surfaces

You can replace a surface with an another surface using Replace command.

The operating mode described here is valid for replacing the geometrical elements used in the definition of any Part Design features.

Related Topics
About Replacing Features
The Replace command Access and Dialogs
Replacing Elements
Manual and Automatic Rerouting After the Replace Operation
  1. Select the extrusion (the red surface) used for trimming both the pocket and the hole.

  2. Right-click and select Replace... .

    The Replace dialog box is displayed, indicating the name of the surface to be replaced.

  3. Select Extrusion 2 as the replacing surface. Extrusion 2 now appears in the With box of the dialog box.

  4. Select the Delete replaced elements and exclusive parents option to delete Extrusion1.

  5. Click OK to confirm the operation.

    The pocket and the hole are now trimmed by Extrusion 2. Extrusion 1 has been deleted.