Replacing Profiles

You can replace a profile with another profile using the Replace command.

Before you begin: Create a 3D shape containing two profiles which are referenced by other feature in the same representation and a profile for replacement.
Related Topics
About Replacing Features
The Replace command Access and Dialogs
Replacing Elements
Manual and Automatic Rerouting After the Replace Operation
  1. Right-click the profile (curve) and select Replace....

    The Replace dialog box appears.

  2. Click With and select the replacing profile.

    The Replace dialog box is updated accordingly and the geometry displays the curve orientation.

    • You can change the orientation by clicking the green arrow. The replaced feature is thus inversed, you can check the inversion when editing the feature on which the replacement has been performed: in the edition dialog box, the feature name is followed by inversed.
    • You can cancel the inversion of the feature by clicking the icon in the edition dialog box.

    In case of multi-selection, right-click the feature and select Uninverse.

    Note: These capabilities are only available when editing Generative Shape Design features.

  3. Click OK to validate the replacement.

    The geometry is updated accordingly.