Cutting, Copying and Pasting

You can cut and paste or copy and paste the part design features. We recommend you to use these commands when you do not need to re-specify the features you paste or if you do so, these features should not require too many specifications. Basically, you should use these commands for simple features.

This task shows you how to:

Cut an Element

You can cut the part design features.

  1. Select an element you want to cut .

  2. Click Cut .

    This places what you cut in the clipboard.

    Tips: You can cut the element in the following different ways:
    • Select Edit > Cut.
    • Right-click the elemet and select Cut.
    • In the geometry area or the specification tree, drag the selection (although not a graphical cut, this is equivalent to the cut operation).

Copy an Element

You can copy the part design features.

  1. Select an element you want to copy.

  2. Click Copy .

    This places what you copy in the clipboard.

    Tips: You can copy the element in the following different ways:
    • Select Edit > Copy.
    • Right-click the elemet and select Copy.
    • In the geometry area or the specification tree, press and hold down the Ctrl key and drag the selection.
    Important: Dragging and dropping objects (features or bodies) onto objects (features or bodies) is a quick way to copy objects too. Note however, that the Enable Drag-Drop option must be on to use the capability.

Paste an Element

You can paste the copied part design features at desired location.

  1. Select the location where you want to paste the element.

  2. Click Paste .

    Tips: You can paste the element in the following different ways:
    • Select Edit > Paste.
    • Right-click the elemet and select Paste.
    • In the geometry area or the specification tree, drop what you are dragging (see above).

    In the example below, the second body is a copy of Part Body. The user just modified the profile.

Copy/Paste Boolean Operations

You can copy/paste boolean operations

You need to select the operation node as well as the operated body to copy/paste boolean operations. For more about boolean operations, see Associating Bodies.