Keeping and Removing Faces

You can remove material to reshape a body using the Remove Lump command. This is a good way to get rid of cavities you inadvertently created.

To remove material, either you specify the faces you wish to remove or conversely, the faces you wish to keep. In some cases, you need to specify both the faces to remove and the faces to keep.

This task shows you how to reshape a body by removing the faces you do not need. Depending on the faces you select for removal, you will obtain two distinct bodies.

Related Topics
More about the Remove Lump Command
About Boolean Operations
  1. Select the body you wish to reshape, that is Part Body.

  2. Click Remove Lump .

    The Remove Lump Definition dialog box appears. You just need to specify the faces you wish to remove as well as the faces you need to keep.

  3. Click Faces to remove and select the colored face.

    You can get an idea of the result just by clicking the Preview button. The selected face appears in pink, meaning that it will be removed during the operation.

  4. Click OK.

    The new body looks like this:

  5. Now, delete Trim.1 in the specification tree and repeat steps 1 and 2.

  6. In the dialog box that appears, click the Faces to remove box and select the bottom face.

    This face appears in pink.

  7. Click OK.

    The new body looks like this :