Trimming Bodies

You can define the elements to be kept or removed in the body, while performing the union operation, using the Union Trim command.

This task shows you how to use Union Trim.

Related Topics
More about Trimming Bodies
About Boolean Operations
  1. Select the body you wish to trim, i.e. Body.2.

  2. Click Union Trim .

    The Trim Definition dialog box appears. The faces you cannot select are displayed in red.

  3. Click the Faces to remove box and select Body.2 's inner face.

    The selected face appears in pink , meaning that the application is going to remove it.

  4. Click the Faces to keep box and select Part Body. 's inner face.

    This face becomes blue, meaning that the application is going to keep it.

    Tip: Clicking the Preview button lets you check if your specifications meet your needs or not.

  5. Click OK to confirm.

    The application computes the material to be removed. The operation (identified as is added to the specification tree.

    Warning: As much as possible, avoid selecting faces trimmed by the operation. In some cases, defined trimmed faces have the same logical name: the application then issues a warning message requiring a better selection.