Intersecting Bodies

The material resulting from an intersection operation between two bodies is the material shared by intersecting bodies. You can compute two intersections via a Boolean operation.

Related Topics
About Boolean Operations
About Bodies
  1. The initial 3D shape is composed of three bodies. Each body contains one pad. To compute the intersection between the Part Body and Body 2, select Body.2. Intersecting a set of bodies (multi-selected via the Ctrl key) is possible. This capability will increase your productivity.

  2. Click Intersect... . The Intersect dialog box displays to let you determine the second body you wish to use. By default, the application proposes to intersect the selected body to Part Body. You can get an idea of the result just by clicking Preview.

  3. Click OK to confirm. The application computes the intersection between the two bodies.

    Part Body now looks like this:

  4. Now delete the intersection to go back to the previous state. You are going to create a new intersection. Select Body 2 and right-click Edit > Body2.object > Intersect. This displays the Intersect dialog box.

  5. Select Body1 in the specification tree to edit the To: box.

  6. Click OK. Body1 now looks like this:

    Important: Editing an Intersect feature is possible. To do so, you just need to double-click that feature and then select the new body you wish to intersect.