Before You Begin With the Replace Function

This topic introduces the types of Replace function you need to understand before you begin using the Replace command.

Related Topics
The Replace command Access and Dialogs
Replacing Elements
About Replacing Features

Types of Replace Function

Based on the use of the function and the context in which it is used, the function is explicitly available in two different commands,

  • Replace Command
  • Replace Component Command

Using the Replace command

The Replace command is Mechnical Modeler command. It is used to replace/substitute one feature with an another feature within a Representation context.

Using the Replace Component command

The Replace Component command is Product Structure command. It is used to replace/substitute one design document within an another design document in a Product context e.g. Products, Representations or other pointed documents in an assembly.

For more information on Replace Component Command, See Assembly Design user's Guide: Assembly Components - Replacing Components.