More about Close Surface Features

This topic provides you with the information you need to create the close surface features.

The following are discussed:

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Creating Close Surface Features

Contextual Command

Two contextual commands creating the object you need are available from the Object to close box:

  • Create Join: joins surfaces or curves. See Generative Shape Design User's Guide: Performing Operations on Shape Geometry: Joining Surfaces or Curves
  • Create Extract: See Generative Shape Design User's Guide: Performing Operations on Shape Geometry: Extracting Geometry: Extracting Elements

If you create any of these elements, the application then displays the corresponding icon next to the Object to close box. Clicking this icon enables you to edit the element.

Hybrid Design

When adding a surface-based feature or a surface feature modifying another surface-based feature or surface belonging to the same body, Part Design features based on that second feature then reference the new added feature. In other words, a replace operation is automatically performed. For an example, see More about Split Features