Creating Implement Links

You can create and delete an Implement Link.

This task shows you how to:

Related Topics
About Implement Links and Other External Links

Create an Implement Link on a Product in PPR Context

You can create an Implement Link on a product in the PPR Context.

  1. From any product:

    1. Select Start > Machining > Machine Programming.

      A PPR context with an empty Machining Cell is created. An empty Activities Process Tree opens automatically.

    2. Create a generic machine or assign a machine from the database.

      As soon as a machine is assigned to the Machining Cell, a Part Operation and a Manufacturing Program are created in the Activities Process Tree.

    3. Alternatively, open an existing Machining Process or PPR context .

      By default, the Activities Process Tree opens automatically.

  2. Click Impacts Specification to open the Impacts Specification dialog box.

    By default, this toolbar is not displayed. Select View > Toolbars > Implement Links to display this toolbar.

  3. Click to select a product in the PPR Context.

  4. Select a product reference in the Product node of the PPR Context.

    Note: Double-click in the authoring window to exit product selection without selecting a product.

    This product is added in the Impacting Products list of the dialog box.

    A dedicated implement link structure is created for the selected product. The process and the system structure are displayed in the PPR Context. For more information, see the Manufacturing Planning User's Guide.

  5. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Create an Implement Link on a Product in Database

You can create an Implement Link on a product in the database.

  1. Click Impacts Specification to open the Impacts Specification dialog box.

  2. Click to select a product in the database.

    The Search Product dialog box appears.

  3. In the From Search tab, specify a simple search query and click Search button.

    The corresponding products are listed in the dialog box.

  4. Select the desired product and click OK.

    This product is added in the Impacting Products list of the Impacts Specification dialog box.

    A dedicated implement link structure is created for the selected product. The process and system structure are displayed in the PPR Context. For more information, see the Manufacturing Planning User's Guide.

    In the From Search tab, you can specify other specific search criteria (Part Number, Version, and so on) using the Advanced Search button. In the From Session tab, you can select a product from the current session.

  5. Click OK to close the dialog box.