About the User Representation for the Tool

You can use an user representation of the tool assembly to check collisions between tool and tool holders and the part.

The following topics are discussed:

Note: To be supported by the collision check, the Rotary status of the user representation of the tool assembly must be set to Yes. See About Representation Management The user representation must also comply with the following rules.

Constraints for Sketch Creation

You must comply with the following constraints:

  • The sketch profile must be constructed in the YZ plane.
  • Its origin corresponds to the tool tip.
  • H direction is that of Yaxis.
  • V direction is that of Zaxis.
  • The sketch must start from the V axis. (S)
  • The sketch elements must be ordered in the counter clockwise direction (1 . 2 . 3 etc.)

Supported Profiles

Sketch profiles must be described as a set of cylinders, spheres, conicals, or torus along the central axis of the tool. All other profiles are not supported, especially shapes defined along a local axis. If the user representation has a invalid profile, a warning message appears and the profile of the machining operation is taken into account during collision checking.


  • Concave torus profile is supported.
  • Particular case: tools with non cutting diameter are filled and transformed into a cylinder.

Examples of profiles: