View Text Definition

View Text includes information (View Name and Scale) related to the view it belongs to. This section deals with the View Text definition parameters, located in the Views > View Text node of the Standard Definition editor, available via Tools > Standards. All these parameters are only used during the creation of a View Text. Once a view text is created and if the type of the view is changed, the View Text is not updated according to the standard definition. Only the name text and the scale text can be updated as they are attribute links on name and scale.

Related Topics
Managing View Texts
View Name Definition
Parameter Description Value
Text style name Indicates the name of the text style to use when creating the View Text.

Lets you customize the text style. If the text style does not exist, the current text style is used.

Alphanumerical string.

Note: The default value for the text style name is "ViewText".

Alignment Specifies the position of the View Text according to the view overall dimensions.

  • Top Left
  • Top Center (default value for ISO and JIS standards)
  • Top Right
  • Bottom Left
  • Bottom Center (default value for ASME standard)
  • Bottom Right

Add view name for views Specifies whether the name text should be added in the View Text.

For each view type:

  • Check-box selected: Name text is added.
  • Check-box cleared: Name text is not added.


Specifies how the view scale should be displayed.

  • Always: View scale is always displayed.
  • Never: View scale is never displayed.
  • When it is different from the sheet scale: View scale is displayed only when it is different from the sheet scale

Display on a new line

Specifies whether the scale character string should be displayed on a new line.

  • Check-box selected: Scale is displayed on a new line.
  • Check-box cleared: Scale is not displayed on a new line.


Allows defining the content of the scale character string. Two keywords are used in this parameter.

  • (#SCALE_ATTR#): It stands for the national language value of the word "SCALE".
  • #SCALE#: #SCALE_ATTR#: It stands for view's scale attribute value.

Font Size Ratio

Specifies the font size of the scale character string. This is a ratio of the font size defined in the text style used to create the View Text.

Range of acceptable values is between 1% and 200%.

Scale separator

Lets you customize the separator used to represent the scale (for example “1:2” or “1/2”).



The following table lists standard default values of all the parameters to customize the scale character string added to the View Text.

Parameter ISO JIS ASME
Scale character string (#SCALE_ATTR#) (#SCALE_ATTR#) #SCALE#: #SCALE_ATTR#
Display on a new line No No Yes
Font size ratio 100% 100% 50%
Display When it is different from the sheet scale When it is different from the sheet scale When it is different from the sheet scale
Scale separator : : /