Pattern Definition

Pattern definitions are located in the Patterns node of the Standard Definition editor, available via Tools > Standards.

Related Topics
More About Pattern Definition
Parameter Parameter Name Description
Availability Availability Specifies whether users can modify all or only some pattern properties via Edit > Properties. If Yes, all pattern properties can be modified in the Properties dialog box. If No: only some pattern properties will be available from the Properties dialog box, namely:
  • Hatching: users can only modify the angle, the pitch and the offset, and choose a new pattern.
  • Dotting: users can modify all properties.
  • Coloring: users can modify all properties.
  • Image: users can only use the images defined in the standards. They can modify the image angle and scale.
Angle List Angle Specifies preferred angle values that will be used when creating section views/cuts or breakout views. These values will be available via Edit > Properties.
Hatching Name Specifies the name of this pattern.
Type Shows the current pattern type, in this case, hatching.
Number of Hatching Defines the number of different hatchings to use in this pattern. A tab will be created for each hatching, to let you define each one individually.
Angle For each hatching used in this pattern, specifies the angle value in degrees.
Pitch For each hatching used in this pattern, specifies the pitch in millimeters.
Offset For each hatching used in this pattern, specifies the offset in millimeters.
Color For each hatching used in this pattern, specifies the color.
Linetype For each hatching used in this pattern, specifies the linetype. Only mono-dimensional line types are available for selection.
Thickness For each hatching used in this pattern, specifies the line thickness.
Dotting Preview Lets you preview the resulting hatching pattern.
Name Specifies the name of this pattern.
Type Shows the current pattern type, in this case, dotting.
Pitch Specifies the dotting pitch in millimeters.
Color Specifies the dotting color.
Zigzag Specifies whether dotting should zigzag.
Preview Lets you preview the resulting dotting pattern.
Coloring Name Specifies the name of this pattern.
Type Shows the current pattern type, in this case, coloring.
Color Specifies the color.
Image Preview Lets you preview the resulting coloring pattern.
Name Specifies the name of this pattern.
Type Shows the current pattern type, in this case, image.
Browse button Lets you select the image to use for this pattern. Refer to More About Pattern Definition for more information.
Angle Specifies the angle value in degrees.
Scale Specifies the scale.
Preview Lets you preview the original image (not the result after modifying the angle and scale).