Creating a View From an Existing Layout View

You can use an existing layout view as a template for creating a new, empty, layout view, in the same representation or another. The newly created view has the same type, scale and position in space as its reference view.


  • There is no parent/child relationship between the created view and its reference view.
  • The created view cannot be linked in position with another view.
  • If the created view is a projection view, then it also features an associated view box which is equivalent to that of the template view. Thus, it is possible to add projection views to this new view set.
  • In a product context, a view created for a 3D shape can be associative only with a 3D plane, sketch or FTA view belonging to the same 3D shape.

Before you begin: Open a 3D shape representation containing a layout. Open the layout in the 2D window, alongside the 3D window.
Related Topics
Views From Another Element
Creating a View Using Generative View Styles
  1. Click New View From in the Layout toolbar (Views sub-toolbar).

    The Tools Palette toolbar is displayed.

  2. Select a view from the specification tree or from the geometry area, the front view for example. A new Front view item is added to the specification tree and the Tools Palette toolbar disappears.

    Important: By default, the view is created with the same type as the reference view. This cannot be modified.

  3. Click on the sheet at the location where you want the view to be positioned.

    • The scale of "Views from" is always created using the sheet scale. The primary view scale, when it is different from the sheet scale, is not propagated to other "views from".
    • If you change the sheet scale (defined in the sheet properties), the scale of all existing views (defined in the view properties) is multiplied by that of the sheet. For example, if existing views already have a scale of 1/10, and if you change the sheet scale to 1/10, then existing views will now have a scale of 1/100.

    An empty front view is created and activated, with the same position in space as the front view from which it was created.

You can now create 2D geometry in this view.