Managing the Layout View Background

You can display and manage the 2D and 3D backgrounds differently for each view.

Before you begin: Open a 3D shape representation containing a layout. Double-click Sheet.1 in the specification tree to open the layout in the 2D window.
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More About Managing the Layout View Background
  1. Click Display Backgrounds as Specified for Each View in the Visualization toolbar to activate or deactivate the background.

    Activating Display Backgrounds as Specified for Each View will display each view according to the option you choose for it in the following steps.

  2. Right-click the Front view from the geometry area or the specification tree.

  3. Point to Background. A number of options are available from the menu:

    • Standard: shows both the 2D and 3D backgrounds.

    • Invisible: hides both the 2D background (the 3D representation of 2D elements which do not belong to the current view, but to other views) and the 3D background (the representation of all 3D elements, including edges, faces and 3D wireframe).

    • Unpickable: prevents selecting elements in both the 2D and 3D backgrounds, even though you can see them. You can just handle 2D elements which belong to the current view.

    • Low-intensified: dims all elements in both the 2D and 3D backgrounds.

    • Unpickable low-intensified: dims all elements in both the 2D and 3D backgrounds. Additionally, although you can see these elements, you cannot select them. You can just handle 2D elements in the current view.

  4. Select Unpickable low-intensified.

    The Front view is displayed with all elements dimmed in both the 2D and 3D backgrounds, and you cannot select the elements contained in the backgrounds.

  5. Right-click the Section view from the geometry area or the specification tree.

  6. Select Background > Invisible.

    Both the 2D and 3D backgrounds are hidden from the Section view.