Management Through Tools > Options and PropertiesThis sub-topic discusses the management of the layout view background through Tools > Options and Properties. Tools > OptionsIn Tools > Options > Mechanical > 2D Layout for 3D Design > Display tab, Visualization area, the Display background and cutting plane when loading layout option is selected by default. When Display background and cutting plane when loading layout is selected, then Display
Backgrounds as Specified for Each View
When Display background and cutting plane when loading layout is cleared, then the choice
specified by Display Backgrounds as Specified for Each View
PropertiesYou can also manage the background of each layout view using the view properties. For more information, refer to Editing View Properties in the 2D Layout for 3D Design User's Guide. For more information on the other visualization-related options available in the Visualization toolbar, refer to Layout Tools in the 2D Layout for 3D Design User's Guide. Visual and Selection PrioritiesThis sub-topic discusses visual and selection priorities. Elements in the 2D background have the same visual and selection priorities than elements of the same type seen in the view foreground. For example, a dimension can cover an edge. To by-pass this problem, use the preselection navigator (documented in the Infrastructure User's Guide). View Background ManipulationThis sub-topic discusses the manipulation of the view background. To select and manipulate a 2D layout view by clicking or dragging any element
of its background, activate View Background Manipulation