Creating an attribute link between an element on the 3D shape and the
corresponding text in a drawing view
You can create an attribute link between an element on the 3D shape and the corresponding text in a drawing view.
In the Annotations toolbar, click Text
or Text With Leader
click in the active view, where you want to create the annotation.
An empty text is created in the drawing. Also, the Text Editor
dialog box is displayed.
Optionally, if you want to add text before the attribute
link, enter it now in the text editor dialog box. The text in the drawing
is updated as you type.
Right-click anywhere in the drawing (whether or not
the text is empty), and select Attribute Link from the contextual
menu. The Insert Text Attribute dialog box is displayed.
It is empty for the moment.
Select the object to which you want the text to be linked
(from the specification tree, from the 3D space or from the drawing
For the purpose of this scenario, click the hole in
the 3D space. The dialog box is updated with the list of attributes
related to the selected element.

In the Insert Text Attribute dialog box, each line represents
an attribute of the selected object or of an associated object. Lines
can either have a yellow or a grey background:
In the list, once you have chosen the attribute(s) you
want to insert, you have several options.
To insert a single attribute and close the dialog
box, you can either:
To insert several attributes: click the related
line and then click Apply for each attribute you want
to insert. When you are done, click OK to close the dialog
The attributes are inserted both in the Text Editor
dialog box and on the drawing.
The example below shows the diameter value of the hole;
this attribute contains an associative link.

Optionally repeat steps 3 to 5 to insert attributes
for additional objects.
Click OK to validate and exit the Text
Editor dialog box.
If you now modify the diameter value of the hole on
the 3D part, the drawing view is shown as being not up-to-date. If you
update it, the text attribute value is updated to reflect this modification.