More About View Dress-up Parameters

The view dress-up parameters define the style of the various parameters which deal with the dress-up of the view.

The following topics are discussed:

Related Topics
View Dress-up Parameters
Important: All generative view styles apply to views generated in exact mode. On top of that, some generative view style parameters also apply when creating other view types (CGR, Approximate and Raster), as specified for each concerned view dress-up element.

Dress-up parameters computation process

This sub-topic explains the computation process of dress-up parameters. When computed, dress-up parameters are either retrieved from the 3D graphic attributes, or depend on the type of projected element.

Click on the graph below to get the details.

Inheritance versus 3D type

This sub-topic explains how 3D inheritance is dealt with as regards the 3D type.

For example, take the following 3D representation:

In the view below, all 3D inheritance parameters are active, and white elements are turned black:

Inheritance versus fillets and hidden lines

This sub-topic explains how 3D inheritance is dealt with as regards fillets and hidden lines.

For example, take the following 3D representation:

In the view below, all 3D inheritance parameters are active and symbolic fillets use their own graphic properties:

In the view below, all 3D inheritance parameters are active, hidden lines inherit from color only and fillet boundaries inherit from all properties:

Inheritance versus wireframe

This sub-topic explains how 3D inheritance is dealt with as regards wireframe.

For example, take the following 3D representation:

In the view below, 3D inheritance is active for wireframe. Hidden wireframe inherits from color only, and the hidden edges parameter is applied for linetype and line thickness.

In the view below, 3D inheritance is inactive for wireframe. Hidden wireframe uses hidden edges parameters, and visible wireframe uses wireframe parameters.

Properties versus "functional" role

This sub-topic explains how properties are dealt with.

In the view below, no 3D inheritance parameter is active. Fillet boundaries use the GeneratedGeometry.Fillets graphic attributes, hidden lines use the GeneratedGeometry.HiddenEdges graphic attributes and regular visible edges use the GeneratedGeometry.VividEdges graphic attributes:

In the view below, no 3D inheritance parameter is active: