Editing Implement Relations

Implement relations are used to connect elements of the different abstraction levels. Implement relations identify the purpose of an entity by identifying which more abstract concept the element is providing. You can edit implement relations within the VPM Functional and Logical Editor workbench.

Related Topics
Creating Implement Relations
  1. From the RFLP tree, right-click an object pointed by an implement relation then select Edit Implement Relation from the contextual menu.

    Tip: You can also access the Edit Implement Relation from the RFLP Implement Links toolbar.

    The Edit Related Objects dialog box appears. The implement relations list is displayed.

    • Depending on the relation, the tabs Implemented By and Implementing are displayed or not.
    • If the selected object does not have an implement relation, an indicating message is displayed.

  2. Select:

    • Reframe On - The 3D view is centered on the selected object if it is already displayed in the window. Note: This command is only available for objects that are already present in the current window. It can not be used when several objects are selected.
    • Properties - Displays the properties of the related object.
    • Delete Relation - Remove the implement relations which links the selected related objects with the selected component. The tree is updated and the 2D graphical area if needed.
    • Show Details - Displays the details of the selected relation.

  3. Click Close to exit the Edit Related Objects dialog box.

  4. To save your work, click Propagate in the Bar.

    The Propagate dialog box appears and displays a list of objects to be saved.

  5. Click OK to save.