About Catalogs of Component Families

You can find here additional information about Catalogs of Component Families.

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Managing Catalogs of Components Families

The catalog keywords reflect the family elements characteristics. You can therefore choose the family table columns you want to export as catalog chapter keywords.

Catalogs reference family items, and not family items resolved models. It implies that you cannot have a catalog referencing old versions of family elements, except if you create this catalog manually, by searching in the database for the old versions of family elements.

This command fills an existing catalog chapter with part or all the items of the components family. The items that you insert into the chapter can be of three types:

  • Selected ones: Check Selection in the Items selection frame.
  • Filtered ones: Check Filter in the Items selection frame.
  • All the items of the family: Check All in the Items selection frame.

Update already existing items keywords and Empty chapter before execution are provided to either empty the chapter before filling it, or update already existing chapter items if need be. Already existing chapter items that are not in the items to be projected in the chapter are not impacted. Note that this option does not delete keywords.

You can select the characteristics of the family you want to project as chapter keywords in the Available keywords frame. You can also choose the order of those keywords using the Up and Down arrows in the Selected keywords frame.