Standard NamingThis section provides you with more information about standard naming. A .CATRuleExit file (PLMBusinessLogicComponentsFamily_Naming.CATRuleExit) and .CATRule files (files that define a business logic rule) are used to compute new attributes values. The .CATRuleExit contains the mapping between a customization and a given CATRule. This rule takes specific parameters into account:
Example of Rules for the PLMProductDS CustomizationThe following rule is an example of customization of a PLMProductDS. It modifies the PLM_ExternalID of the target object (the PLM component that we are trying to compute the identification/naming attributes). If we are trying to modify the root object attributes (A product reference), then we valuate it with itemname, otherwise we take the generic model PLM_ExternalID, and we concatenate the item index.
Custom NamingThis section provides you with more information about custom naming. An expression editor is provided to allow a family owner to define his own identification/naming logic. It offers the same inputs as the previous business logic rule, but column values can also be used.
For example, the expression can valuate an attribute with a complex combination of column values extracted from the table. In this case, the naming will be specific to the family that contains the custom naming expression. |