Creating Mechanism Representations

Mechanism representations are inserted under a product; you can create multiple mechanism representations for the same product.

Before you begin: A product must be open.
Related Topics
Creating the mechanism
More about Mechanism Assemblies
  1. In the menu bar, select Insert > New > Representation....

  2. In the specification tree, select the product in which you want to add a representation.

    The Insert - Step 1 - Representation dialog box appears.

  3. Select Mechanism, and click Next.

    Tip: You can perform Steps 1–3 automatically by clicking Mechanism Representation in the Mechanism Edition toolbar. The mechanism is created for the currently selected product in the specification tree.

  4. In the dialog box that appears, enter the name and properties for the mechanism representation.

  5. In the Mechanism Options tab, select the appropriate options:

    • Select Include all kinematics connections into the mechanism check box to include all engineering connections in the product as joints in the new mechanism representation.
    • Select Create all possible kinematics commands check box to include all controlled constraints in the engineering connections as commands in the new mechanism representation.
    • Select Link all independent submechanisms check box to assemble the existing mechanisms instanced under subproducts in the new mechanism representation.

    Warning: Only independent mechanisms are assembled. See More about Mechanism Assemblies.

    If you clear any of these check boxes, you must add mechanisms, joints, and commands to the mechanism manually from the Mechanism Manager (see Setting Up a Mechanism).

  6. Click Finish.

The mechanism representation is created under the product.