More about Visible Elements

This section provides you with the information you need when working with visible elements.

The following topics are discussed:

Related Topics

Visualize the Icons

This sub-topic explains the two ways to visualize the three view and selection icons. The visualization can either be on the same icon cyclically or in an expandable separate toolbar. This depends on the option chosen in Tools > Options > Shape > Imagine & Shape > General tab, Command Options Menu Mode area.

Here is an example with the expandable toolbar:

Note: Refer to General for further information.

Visualize Hidden edges

This sub-topic explains the visualization of hidden edges. If the Show hidden lines in dashed lines option is cleared, hidden lines are displayed with the same settings as the base mesh elements defined in Tools > Options > Shape > Imagine & Shape > Display tab, Base Mesh area.

Note: Refer to Display for further information.

Depending on the different states of the view and selection mode, the subdivision surface is as below.

  • View and Selection All

  • View All and Selection Front

  • View and Selection Front

  • If the All Elements Selection icon is activated, only pickable elements will be selected (not grayed out elements), provided the View All and Selection Front or View and Selection Front icons are activated.
  • Hidden edges cannot be selected when the View and Selection Front and View All and Selection Front modes are activated and they become grayed out (i.e. with low luminosity).
  • Activating any of these icons does not change the current selection.

Planar Surfaces

This sub-topic explains the visualization of planar surfaces when the View and Selection Front mode is activated.

When the View and Selection Front mode is activated, the mesh surface and the geometry may be confused.

As a result, no difference may be visible between the View All and Selection Front and View and Selection Front modes.

  • View and Selection All

  • View All and Selection Front or View and Selection Front