Creating Dimensions between Intersection Points

An intersection point is the meeting point of 2 curves, 2 fictive curve extensions, or a curve and a fictive curve extension. You can create dimensions between an intersection point and an element, or between two intersection points.

Before you begin: Open a drawing or layout representation.
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More About Creating Dimensions between Intersection Points
  1. Click Dimension in the Annotations toolbar (Dimensions sub-toolbar).

  2. Click Intersection Point Detection in the Tools Palette.

  3. Position the mouse over the first intersection point, or over the first and then the second reference element.

    The intersection point is detected, and a preview is displayed.

  4. Click to create the intersection point.

    The point is created, as well as construction lines and coincidence constraints between the point and its reference elements.

  5. Now, position the mouse over the second intersection point.

  6. Click to create the intersection point.

    A preview of the dimension is displayed. By default, this dimension is a distance dimension.

  7. Optional: At this point, if you want to create a diameter dimension or a radius dimension rather than a distance dimension, you can right-click and change the dimension type from the default Distance to Diameter Edge or Radius Edge.

  8. Using the mouse, position the dimension as wanted.

  9. Click to validate.