More About Creating Dimensions between Intersection Points

An intersection point is the meeting point of 2 curves, 2 fictive curve extensions, or a curve and a fictive curve extension. You can create dimensions between an intersection point and another element, or between two intersection points.

This topic provides more information about creating dimensions between intersection points.

Note: If you are a DS Passport customer, you can read the QA00000005150, QA00000005155 and QA00000005157 articles from the

The following topics are discussed:

Related Topics
Creating Dimensions between Intersection Points

Understanding Dimensions between Intersection Points

This sub-topic provides background information to help you understand dimensions between intersection points.

There are two types of intersection points: definite intersection points or fictive intersection points.

A definite intersection point is the meeting point of 2 curves which physically intersect each other.

Definite intersection:

A fictive intersection point is the meeting point of 2 fictive curve extensions, or a curve and a fictive curve extension.

Fictive intersection:

Creating a dimension between intersection points is a sort of "shortcut" that combines the creation of 2D intersection points, construction lines, coincidence constraints (on 2D elements only), a 2D line and a dimension all at once. There is no actual link between the dimension and the geometry on which it is based.

The table below summarizes the kind of intersection detected in Drafting and 2D Layout for 3D Design, depending on the type of element pointed by the mouse.

The following kind of intersection... is detected between...

definite intersection

straight 2D lines

fictive intersection

a straight 2D line and the extension of a straight line

fictive intersection

2 extensions of straight lines

The table below summarizes the kind of intersection detected in 2D Layout for 3D Design only, depending on the type of element pointed by the mouse.

The following kinds of intersection... are detected between...

definite intersection

fictive intersection

3D curves (edges or wireframe) which are projected as lines in the background of layout views

definite intersection

fictive intersection

a straight 2D line and a 3D curve projected as a line in the background of layout views

Dimensioning Commands Supporting Intersection Point Detection

This sub-topic lists the dimensioning commands which support intersection point detection.

The detection of intersection point when dimensioning is supported by the following commands:

  • Dimensions
  • Chained/Cumulated/Stacked Dimensions
  • Length/Distance Dimensions
  • Radius Dimensions
  • Diameter Dimensions

Definition of Intersection Points in the Standards

This sub-topic provides information about the definition of intersection points in the standards.

The display and behavior of intersection points is defined by the administrator in the standards. Indeed, the administrator can specify the style that should be applied to the intersection point and construction line, whether the intersection point can be printed or not, and whether construction lines should be displayed and/or printable. For more information, refer to Dimension Parameters.