More About Creating Partial Curvilinear Length Dimensions

Partial curvilinear length dimensions are defined using points.

This topic provides more information about creating partial curvilinear length dimensions.

Related Topics
Creating Partial Curvilinear Length Dimensions

General remarks

  • Partial curvilinear length dimensions can be created using the Dimensions and Length/Distance Dimensions commands; they cannot be created using the Stacked Dimensions and Cumulated Dimensions commands.
  • You can create partial curvilinear length dimensions for all types of curves: splines, circles, arcs of circle, conics, etc. Note that in the case of circles and arcs of circle, they will be called partial circular length dimensions.
  • You can create partial length dimensions for lines.
  • The Dimension Parameters is defined by the administrator in the standards. The same symbol is used for partial curvilinear dimensions and for curvilinear dimensions.
  • Partial curvilinear length dimensions cannot be True Length dimensions.
  • If you delete a point that defines a dimension, the dimension becomes not-up-to-date, and its color changes to fuchsia by default (or according to the color defined for Not-up-to-date dimensions in the Types and colors of dimensions dialog box available via Tools > Options > Mechanical > Drafting > Dimension tab, Analysis Display Mode area, Types and colors... button). If you delete both points, the dimension becomes a regular curvilinear dimension.
  • You cannot change the dimension line representation mode or orientation after the dimension has been created.
  • In the case of the parallel and offset representation modes, the dimension value cannot be moved out of the curve limits, except for circles and arcs of circle. As a result, you cannot specify the dimension value position (Inside, Outside, Auto).
  • In some cases, depending on the curve and on the offset value, the offset representation mode cannot be computed.
  • In the case of partial curvilinear length dimensions in offset mode, it is recommended to activate the Constant offset between dimension line and geometry setting in Tools > Options > Mechanical > Drafting > Dimension tab. This will ensure that the dimension remains associative if the geometry is moved.
  • Partial curvilinear dimensions cannot be measured along a direction. However, partial length dimensions can be measured along a direction.
  • Partial curvilinear dimensions cannot be driving dimensions.
  • When creating partial circular length dimensions on circles, you cannot select a circular sector.