More About Minimum Distance Dimensions

You can create a dimension measuring the absolute minimum distance between two curves, or between a point and a curve. However, you should be familiar with the concepts described in this topic before you begin creating minimum distance dimension.

The following topics are discussed:

Related Topics
Creating a Minimum Distance Dimension

General Information

This sub-topic provides general information about minimum distance dimensions.

  • A minimum distance dimension cannot be part of a dimension system.
  • A minimum distance dimension cannot drive the geometry.
  • A minimum distance dimension cannot be created between technological features which have been created with Technological Feature Dimension .
  • If the minimum distance between two geometries can be reached at several different locations, only one is selected by the minimum distance dimension.
  • When a minimum distance dimension is created, it cannot be changed into a distance dimension.
  • The measure of minimum distance is performed on the geometry projection in the dimension view plane, so that minimum distance dimension cannot be created as a true length dimension, within an isometric view.
  • As for all dimensions, it is not possible to create a minimum distance dimension on a surface that is not canonical.


This sub-topic provides information about update of minimum distance dimensions.

  • As for all dimensions, any update or geometry modification re-computes minimum distance dimensions.
  • A minimum distance dimension cannot be null. If geometrical elements are modified in such a way that they intersect with each other, the minimum distance dimension will not be re-computed at update.