More About Clipping Dimensions

Dimension clippings and half-dimensions are quite similar in appearance, but a half-dimension is a dimension type, whereas a dimension clipping is a view mode.

This topic provides more information about clipping dimensions.

Related Topics
Clipping Dimensions
Working with Dimensions

  • In a clipped dimension, the value is always underlined. Note that if the value position is Inside and the value is moved outside the dimension, then the underlining runs up to the middle of the value.

  • Create/Modify Clipping and Remove Clipping are also available from the Dimension contextual menu.

  • By default, the dimension clipping color is a light orange. To customize this color, go to Tools > Option > Mechanical > Drafting > Dimension tab > Analysis Display Mode section and click the Types and colors... button.

  • The dimension clipping color has no priority. For example, if you select the Drive Dimension option in the Dimension Value dialog box, the color of the clipped dimension will change and become blue, the color of a driving dimension.

Important: Modifying the Measure direction (for example from vertical to horizontal) or Dimension type (for example swapping from Radius to Diameter dimension) will automatically deactivate any active dimension clipping.

About cumulated/stacked dimensions system and multi-selection of dimensions

When clipping a cumulated/stacked dimensions system, or a multi-selection of dimensions, all dimensions are not clipped on the same side. The clipping keeps always the extension line which is the closest to the clipping point (i.e. the selected point where the dimension line will be cut).

See the illustrations below, where the extension lines represented in blue are the closest to the selected clipping point.

Case 1  
Clipping point
Clipping result
Case 2  
Clipping point
Clipping result