Hiding/Showing Geometrical Feature Sets

You can use the Hide/Show command on different levels of geometrical sets and ordered geometrical sets and for different purposes.

This task shows you how to:

Related Topics
Managing Geometrical Sets

Hide/Show a Geometrical Feature Set

The contextual menu allows you to hide/show a geometrical set or an ordered geometrical set whether current or not.

  1. In the specification tree, select the geometrical set or ordered geometrical set you wish to hide/show.

  2. Right-click to display the contextual menu and choose the Hide/Show command.

    The geometrical set or ordered geometrical set is hidden, if it was visible, or becomes visible, if it was hidden.

    Visible geometrical set

    Hidden geometrical set

    Tip: Hiding or Showing a geometrical set or an ordered geometrical set as a whole can also be done clicking Hide/Show .
    Warning: It is not possible to hide an ordered geometrical set, a plane system, a Body belonging to an ordered geometrical set or a multi-output feature belonging to an ordered geometrical set using the Hide/Show contextual command. However, you can use the Hide components contextual command as explained hereafter.

Hide/Show Contents of a Geometrical Feature Set

The contextual menu allows you to hide/show all features in a geometrical set or an ordered geometrical set (even sketches), whether current or not.

  1. In the specification tree, select the geometrical set or the ordered geometrical set whose solid elements you want to hide/show.

  2. Right-click and choose Geometrical_Set.x object > Show Components contextual command to restore the view if the elements were hidden, or Geometrical_Set.x object > Hide Components contextual command to hide visible elements.

    Visible contents

    Hidden contents

    Warning: It is advised to use this method to hide contents of a geometrical set or an ordered geometrical set, rather than using the Hide/Show contextual command: indeed when a geometrical set or an ordered geometrical set is in show, its contents are as well. This method enables to quickly show an element of a geometrical set or an ordered geometrical set.

Hide/Show an Element While in a Command

The contextual menu allows you to hide/show an element of the current geometrical set or ordered geometrical set, while using a command.

  1. Click Line and select two points to create a line.

  2. Right-click the element to be hidden from the specification tree or the geometry, and choose the Hide/Show contextual command.

    The selected element is hidden without exiting the currently active command.

  3. Click OK in the Line Definition dialog box to create the line.

  4. Repeat the operation on the element again to re-display it.

Hide/Show an Element Belonging to an Ordered Geometrical Set

The contextual menu allows you to hide/show a modification feature. If a modification feature is put in no show, all features absorbed by this feature are in no show too.

  • Right-click the element (Split.1) to be hidden from the specification tree or the geometry, and choose the Hide/Show contextual command.

    As Extrude.1 is absorbed by Split.1, Extrude.1 is also put in no show.

Hide/Show command Elements According to Their Type

You can hide/show all elements of a document, according to their type.

  • To do this, simply use the Tools > Show or Tools > Hide menu and choose the adequate element type (All Points, All Lines, All Curves, All Sketches, All Surfaces, All Planes, All Geometrical Sets, All Bodies, All Axis Systems, All Elements, All Selected Elements, All Except Selected Elements).