About Flag Note Annotations

Before you begin with flag note annotation, you should be familiar with the concepts described in this section.

Related Topics
Creating a Flag Note with Leader
Creating a Flag Note

  • A flag note is assigned an unlimited width text frame.
  • You can set graphic properties (anchor point, text size and justification) either before or after you create the free text.
  • You can change any flag note to another kind at any time.
  • A flag note can be applied on:
    • All geometrical elements.
    • PartBody and Body features.
    • The following Part Design features: Pad, Pocket, Shaft, Groove and Hole.

      In Assembly context, links between this annotation and Part Design features, are managed through an engineering connection.

    • Axis systems.
    • User Features.
    • Technological Result features of Part Design Hole feature and User Features.