More About Frames or Sub-Frames

You can learn more about frames and sub-frames.

The following topics are discussed:

Related Topics
Adding Frames or Sub-Frames
Frame Definition
Frames Anchors Table

Variable or Fixed-Size Frames

This sub-topic provides information about variable or fixed-size frames.

Each frame can either have a variable or a fixed size.

Variable-size frames adapt to the text length, whereas fixed-size frames always remain as is, no matter what the text length is. So if you choose a fixed-size frame and the length of you text exceeds the frame size, then the text will extend beyond the frame.

Examples of variable-size frames:

Examples of fixed-size frames:

Fixed frame sizes are defined in the standards. For more information, refer to Frame Definition.

Frame Size

This sub-topic provides information about frame size.

The size of frames depends on the following factors:

  • whether you use them as frames or sub-frames,
  • the height between the characters top and bottom or cap and base,
  • margins.

Thus, a frame or a sub-frame might look different although the text to which it is applied is identical.

Example of frame:

Example of sub-frame:

Frames and Sub-Frames

This sub-topic provides information about frames and sub-frames.

You cannot use the following types of frames as sub-frames:

  • Sticking
  • Nota
  • Scored Rectangle
  • All types of fixed-size frames.