About Generative View Styles

Generative view styles are defined by an administrator and specify the appearance and behavior of a generated view.

The following topics are discussed:

Related Topics
Creating a View using Generative View Styles
Administering Standards and Generative View Styles

Generative View Styles

Generative view styles are defined in an XML file.

Go to Tools > Options > Mechanical > Drafting > Administration tab, and clear the Disable generative view style usage check box. This activates the generative view style functionality.

  • The generative view styles are listed in the Generative View Style toolbar.
  • The generative view styles available in the list refer to the external files that can be found in specific directories as explained in Administering Standards and Generative View Styles as well as the generative view style files embedded in the drawing, but in case those files have the same name, only the embedded file is taken into account.
  • The generative view style used for creating a view is stored in the CATPreferences file and is displayed as the default option when creating the next view, if the generative view style is valid. This persistence of the last used generative view style, is also applicable across two CATIA sessions. The recently used generative view style moves up to the first position in the drop down selection list.
  • If there is no valid last used generative view style available, then the user will get the drop down list with the first option available in alphabetical order as the default option.
  • The Generative View Style toolbar is displayed when creating most view types. The View Parameters dialog box features an additional list, which enables you to select a generative view style.
  • If you deactivate Disable generative view style usage option in Tools > Options > Mechanical > Drafting > Administration, Generative view style field, then the 3D colors option will not be available in the view properties any more.

Generative View Styles Parameter Check

Using the standards editor, you can check the parameters defined in the generative view style you selected.

To do this, go to Tools > Standards. In the standards editor, choose the generativeparameters category, and then open the DefaultGenerativeStyle.xml file from the drop-down list. Then, for example, go to DefaultGenerativeStyle > Drafting > ViewDressup > GeneratedGeometry > VividEdges, and select the Color parameter. You will see the what color is specified in your generative view style for the projection of hidden edges.