Introducing the Tolerancing Advisor

The Tolerancing Advisor introduction.

Before you begin: Open an existing 3D shape.
Related Topics
About Tolerancing Advisor
Semantic Tolerancing Advisor Dialog Box
  1. Click Tolerancing Advisor

  2. The Semantic Tolerancing Advisor dialog box appears.

  3. Select the surface as shown on the part.

  4. The Semantic Tolerancing Advisor dialog box is updated according to the selected surface.

    • The Commands frame contains all the semantic annotations that will be created in relation with the selected element and the geometrical feature type.
    • The Commands frame contains a combo list for all capabilities applying for the selection.

  5. Click Text with Leader icon (One surface):

  6. In the Text Editor dialog box which appears, enter Milling .

  7. Click OK in the dialog box.

    The annotation text is created.

    The Semantic Tolerancing Advisor dialog box is updated.

    The Text with Leader icon is orange-colored: This color inform you that an annotation has been created; you can still create other annotations.

  8. Click Close in Semantic Tolerancing Advisor dialog box.