Semantic Tolerancing Advisor Dialog Box

The Semantic Tolerancing Advisor dialog box appears when you select Tolerancing Advisor.

This dialog box contains controls for:

Related Topics
About Tolerancing Advisor


This is the minimal appearance for the Semantic Tolerancing Advisor dialog box because no geometrical element or annotation has been selected and no datum reference frame has been created yet.

Available options in this dialog box are redefined after each selection.

Example, if you select a planar surface without annotation, the dialog box looks like this:

Existing Datum Reference Frame

Display the list of available datums or datum reference frames in the 3D shape.

This list is displayed even if no geometrical element or annotation are selected.

Adds a new datum reference frame by opening the Datum Reference Frame dialog box.
Removes the selected datum or datum reference frame.
Edits the selected datum or datum reference frame by opening the Datum Reference Frame dialog box.
Unselects the selected datum or datum reference frame.

Propagation Selection

Select all same diameter parallel cylinder
Allows you to propagate the selection to the faces in the 3D part with the same cylindrical canonicity, with the same diameter, and parallel with the first selected cylinder.
Select all same canonicity face
Allows you to propagate the selection to the faces in the 3D part with the same canonicity.
Select all same diameter parallel sphere
Allows you to propagate the selection to the faces in the 3D part with the same spherical canonicity and the same diameter.
Select all same diameter, same pitch, parallel CG thread Cylinders
Allows you to propagate the selection to the threads in the 3D part with the same diameter and pitch, and parallel axis with the selected Constructed Geometry Thread.
Select all same User defined features
Allows you to propagate the selection to the user defined features in the 3D part with the same definition.


According to the selection, options in the Geometric feature type are as follows:

All possible types
Displays all possible commands for the selection.
Cylindrical Pin / Hole
Refines to cylindrical pin or cylindrical hole in selection the possible commands.
Elongated Pin / Hole
Refines to elongated pin or elongated hole in selection the possible commands.
Refines to Part Design feature in selection the possible commands.
N surfaces
Refines to n surfaces in selection the possible commands.
Non cylindrical Pin / Hole
Refines to non cylindrical pin or non cylindrical hole in selection the possible commands.
One surface
Refines to one surface in selection the possible commands.
Refines to pattern in selection the possible commands.
Pattern of angular tabs / slots
Refines to pattern of angular tabs or pattern of angular slots in selection the possible commands.
Pattern of tabs / slots
Refines to pattern of tabs or slots in selection the possible commands.
Rectangular Pin / Hole
Refines to rectangular pin or rectangular hole in selection the possible commands.
Rectangular round Pin / Hole
Refines to rectangular round pin or rectangular round hole in selection the possible commands.
Refines to related geometry in selection the possible commands.
Tab / slot
Refines to tab or slot in selection the possible commands.
User Feature
Refines to one user feature in selection the possible commands.
User Features
Refines to all user features in selection the possible commands.

According to the selection, here a planar surface without annotation, available commands are as follows:

  • Text with Leader
  • Flag Note with Leader
  • Roughness
  • Semantic Datum
  • Straightness Specification
  • Flatness Specification
  • Profile-of-Line Specification
  • Profile-of-Surface Specification

Default geometric feature type

All Possible Types

Defines whether All possible types is the default option in the Geometric feature type combo list.