Creating Framed/Basic Dimensions Automatically

You can create framed/basic dimensions automatically from a selected context.

Before you begin: Open an existing 3D shape.
Related Topics
About Framed/Basic Dimensions
Creating Framed/Basic Dimensions
Creating Framed/Basic Dimensions Automatically from Pattern
  1. Click Framed (Basic) Dimension

  2. Select the Pattern Location.1 geometrical tolerance.

    The Framed (Basic) Dimensions Management dialog box appears.


    The Automatic Creation button is available according to the context.

  3. Click Automatic Creation in the Framed (Basic) Dimensions Management dialog box.

    The Framed (Basic) Dimensions Management dialog box is updated.

    The validity of each converted annotation is checked.

    Framed/basic dimensions are created and their related constructed geometries too.

  4. Click OK in the Framed (Basic) Dimensions Management dialog box.