Obtaining Mesh Statistics

You can dynamically obtain information about the total number of elements, the number of triangle elements, or the number of elements with a bad or poor mesh quality. This capability can be useful when you modify the surface mesh by moving nodes, splitting elements, etc.

Before you begin:
Related Topics
Creating Surface Meshes
Editing the Mesh
Using the Mesh Visualization Tools
  1. In the Mesh Surface Tools toolbar, click Statistics .

    The Statistics dialog box appears and displays the following information:

    • Total number of elements
    • Number and proportion of triangle elements
    • Number and proportion of elements with a poor mesh quality
    • Number and proportion of elements with a bad mesh quality

    Elements with a poor or bad mesh quality are colored in yellow or red. See Element Quality.

    Tip: You can keep the Statistics dialog box open while you edit the mesh to obtain mesh statistics dynamically.

  2. Click Close.