More about Creating a Hole

This page provides you with more information on the creation of holes.

The following topic is discussed:

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Creating a Hole

The Difference Between Threaded and Non-threaded Holes

You cannot differentiate a threaded and a non-threaded hole on the wall.

In the example below, the hole on the right is threaded when the hole on the left is not.

A threaded hole is visible only:

  • In the specification tree,
    In the example below, Hole.1 is threaded when Hole.2 is not

  • In the preview,
    Threaded hole

    Non-threaded hole

  • On a drawing,
    In the example below, the hole on the right is threaded when the hole on the left is not.

    To display threaded holes on a drawing, make sure Generate threads check box is selected in the Drafting settings. To do so, go to Tools > Options > Mechanical Design > Drafting > View tab.

    Refer to the Creating Threaded Holes chapter in Part Design User's Guide for more information.