Importing Conductors from a List

You can import Conductors and Conductor Groups from an XML file.

Before you begin: Select the XML file containing conductor specifications.
Related Topics
Selecting External Systems
Listing Extra Conductors
  1. Click Import Conductors or select Insert > Import Conductors...

    The Conductor and Conductor Group Import dialog box displays listing all conductors and conductor groups in the XML file.

    Note: Only top-level entries are listed which means that for conductor groups, only the group and not constituent conductors, is listed.

    The Imported filter lets you filter the list to see:

    • All: all conductors and conductor groups
    • Yes: any conductors and conductor groups already imported
    • No: any conductors and conductor groups not yet imported
    • Modified: any modified conductors and conductor groups

    If a conductor group runs between two or more devices, N/A is displayed in the From / To columns.

  2. Select conductors and/or conductor groups you want to import.

    A preview in the geometry area shows the 3D correspondence???

  3. Click Import to create selected conductors and conductor groups.

    Note: If a conductor group is selected, all constituent conductors and any conductor groups will also be created.

    A report is generated letting you know how successful or otherwise the import was.

  4. In the Import Report dialog box, click Close to return to the Import dialog box.

  5. Click Close when done.