Selecting External Systems

You can select the system containing external electrical specifications.

In Electrical Library, these specifications correspond to a list of devices and components with connectivity information. In Electrical Conductor Routing, these specifications correspond to a conductor list with from-to connectivity information.

Before you begin: Specify the system repository containing available systems (Tools> Options> Equipment > Electrical Process Interfacing).
Related Topics
Electrical Data Exchange Format
  1. In the Electrical Assembly Design workbench, click External Systems .

    The System Selection dialog box opens with the list of available systems:

  2. Select one or more systems and click the right arrow to move selected systems to the Current Systems box.

  3. Click OK to validate.

    External electrical specifications in the XML file are loaded and ready to use.


    If you encounter a failure message after clicking OK ("Failed to load one of the selected systems"), please check for the following in the External System XML file:

    • There should not be any duplicated ID.
    • Diameter & bend radius value for Conductor should not be negative.
    • Opening and closing of all TAGS in XML file should be proper.

    Note: If a system has already been selected, data is reloaded.