Select an electrical physical system.
Click Conductor
or select Insert > Conductors > Conductor....
The Conductor Creation dialog box appears.

Specify conductor properties in the dialog box.
Select the devices from and to which conductors will run
either in the geometry area or in the specification tree.
Click More>> to specify device cavities at
from- and to- ends.
The dialog box expands:

Available cavities for from- and to- ends are listed. Simply
select the cavity of interest.
You can also select cavities directly in the specification
Click Create One
or Create Several depending on whether you want to create
one or more than one conductor with the same specifications.
If you click
Create One, only one conductor is created. The dialog box does
not close, allowing you to change the identifier and create
more conductors.

If you click
Create Several, a dialog box opens asking how many conductors
you want to create. Enter the number of conductors to create and
click OK.
Click Close when
The conductor specifications are inserted into the technological
package associated with the electrical physical system.