Opening an Existing Simulation

You can open an existing simulation from a Search Results window, from a Navigation window, or from an Impact Graph window. You cannot use the Open Advanced or Smart Open commands to open a simulation.

This task shows you how to:

Open a Simulation from a Search Results Window

You can open an existing simulation from a Search Results window. The simulation is opened in the workbench in which it was created (assuming the appropriate product is installed and licensed).

  1. Select the simulation in a Search Results window. For more information, see About Semantic Search.

  2. You can use the compass in the Search Results window to determine the status of the simulation and its categories. For example, you should check that the simulation is not running before you open it.

  3. To open a selected simulation, do one of the following:

    • Right-click the simulation in the Search Results window, and select Open.
    • Select PLM Access > Open > Open from the menubar.
    • Select Open from the PLM Search toolbar.

    The simulation is opened in the appropriate workbench.

Open a Simulation from a Navigation Window

You can open an existing simulation from a Navigation window. The simulation is opened in the workbench in which it was created (assuming the appropriate product is installed and licensed).

  1. Select the simulation in the specification tree.

  2. Do either of the following:

    • Right-click the simulation in the specification tree, and select Open.
    • Select Open from the Simulation Navigator toolbar.

    The simulation is opened in the appropriate workbench.

Open a Simulation from the Folder Editor

You can open an existing simulation from the Folder Editor. The simulation is opened in the workbench in which it was created (assuming the appropriate product is installed and licensed).

  1. Select the simulation from a subfolder in the specification tree.

  2. Do either of the following:

    • Right-click the simulation in the specification tree, and select Open.
    • Select Open from the Folder Editor toolbar.

    The simulation is opened in the appropriate workbench.

Open a Simulation from an Impact Graph Window

You can open an existing simulation from an Impact Graph window. The simulation is opened in the workbench in which it was created (assuming the appropriate product is installed and licensed).

  1. Select the simulation in the Impact Graph window.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Right-click the simulation in the Impact Graph window, and select Open.
    • Select PLM Access > Open > Open from the menubar.
    • Select Open from the Impact Graph toolbar.

    The simulation is opened in the appropriate workbench.