About Semantic Search

Semantic Search enables you to search for objects by defining search criteria for chosen object attributes.

Semantic Search Features

Semantic Search enables you to search for objects by defining search criteria for chosen object attributes.

  • The Advanced Search enables you to search for objects based on the definition of multiple criteria based on two different levels of search criteria definition.
  • When search results are displayed in a Search Results window, they are grouped by 50 results per page. If there are more than 50 results, a navigation bar appears at the bottom of the dialog box that enables you to search the entire set of search results.
  • Search results can be sorted.
  • Search results can be filtered.
  • You can generate a report of the search results.

Search Results Display Modes

Search Results display modes are: Details, Tiles, and Thumbnails and 3D Thumbnails.

  • In the View menu, select Details or in the View toolbar, select Details or right-click the search results tab and select Details.

    The search results are displayed in Details mode. (Detail mode is the default mode.)

  • In the View menu, select Tiles or in the View toolbar, select Tiles or right-click the search results tab and select Tiles.

    The search results are displayed in Tiles mode.

  • In the View menu, select Thumbnails or in the View toolbar, select Thumbnails or right-click the search results tab and select Thumbnails.

    The search results are displayed in Thumbnails mode.

  • In the View menu, select Turntable or in the View toolbar, select Turntable or right-click the search results tab and select Turntable.

    The search results are displayed in Turntable mode. See 3D Dynamic Classification, Searching using 3D Dynamic Classification.

  • In the View menu, select 3D Wall or in the View toolbar, select 3D Wall or right-click the search results tab and select 3D Wall.

    The search results are displayed in 3D Thumbnails mode. If you select a part and press the spacebar, the part will be displayed in 3D.

    • You can manipulate it (pan, zoom, rotate) using the mouse shortcuts.
    • You can drag the cylinder at its base, left or right, to spin it and access other objects (if there are any).
    • You can change pages using the paging bar at the bottom right.

Search Tab Pages

Search results are displayed in tab pages:

  • To change tab page, click the tab of your choice.

  • To create a new tab page with empty content, right-click any tab and select New Tab.

  • To refresh the content of a tab page, right-click the tab and select Refresh.

  • To display search results in Thumbnails format, right-click the tab and select Thumbnails.

  • To display search results in Tiles format, right-click the tab and select Tiles.

  • To display search results in Details format, right-click the tab and select Details.

  • To display search results in Turntable format, right-click the tab and select Turntable.

  • To close all tabs excepting one, right-click that tab and select Close Other Tabs.

  • To close a selected tab, right-click the tab and select Close.