Clearing Computation Data

Each time you compute a structural analysis simulation, result and computation data are generated by the solver (matrices, operators, displacements, intermediate entities, etc.). You can remove computation data before saving your simulation. Retaining and storing computation data in the PLM database speeds up the next simulation computation, but the computation data require a great amout of space storage.

The Save computation data in database setting (Tools > Options > Simulation > Storage) can automate the propagation or the clearing of computation data when you save a structural analysis simulation. See Computation Data.

Important: Only static, frequency, and buckling scenarios generate computation data.

Before you begin: Your simulation must be computed and the results must be generated.
  1. In the External Storage toolbar, click Clear Computation Data.

    • If the computation data does not exist, an information message appears:
      ELFINI Computation data is already deleted.
    • If the computation data exists, the Confirm Data Computation Delete warning message appears:
      Are you sure you want to remove the ELFINI computation data?

  2. Click Yes in the Confirm Data Computation Delete message to remove the computation data when propogating the simulation.

    The computation data of your simulation will not be saved in the database when you save your simulation.

    Tip: Alternatively, you can use the Batch Monitor tool to clear computation data using the SimulationClearComputations batch tool; see Running Batches Using the Batch Monitor.