
The storage options let you customize settings of the storage of solver data for the structural analysis simulation products.

Select the Storage tab to access options for:

Temporary Storage Folder

Temporary storage folder
This option lets you specify the default directory to store the temporary data of the solver.

By default, a temporary folder is indicated as temporary storage folder.

Solver Listing Folder

Solver listing folder
This option lets you specify the default directory to store the solver listing file.

By default, a temporary forder is indicated as solver listing folder.

Computation Data

Save computation data in database
Computation data is generated by the solver each time you compute a structural analysis simulation. Retaining and storing computation data in the database speeds up the next simulation computation, but computation data requires a great amount of space storage.

This option allows you to save computation data automatically in the database when you save a structural analysis simulation.

By default, the Save computation data in database check box is cleared.