Creating Iso-static Restraints

You can create iso-static restraints on a body. Iso-static restraints are statically definite restraints allowing you to simply support a body. The program chooses automatically three points and restrains some of their degrees of freedom according to the 3-2-1 rule. The resulting boundary condition prevents the body from rigid-body translations and rotations without over-constraining it.

This option is generally combined with static scenarios and load self-balancing.

Before you begin: A structural analysis simulation containing a restraint set must be open.
Related Topics
Working with Excitations
Reviewing Specifications
Creating Static Scenarios
  1. In the Restraints toolbar, click Isostatic Restraint .

    The Iso-static Restraint dialog box appears, and a symbol representing the restraint appears on the body.

  2. Optional: In the Name box, modify the restraint name.

  3. Click OK.