More About Damping

Defining a damping allows you to define the resulting damping of the part once the force has been applied to this part. You can choose between two damping types:

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Defining Damping

Direct Damping

A direct damping is specified as a percentage of the critical damping.

The damping value for each mode is specified as a percentage of the critical damping for that mode. The value can be assigned to a specific mode by entering a mode number, or to all modes which fall in a specified frequency range.

Rayleigh Damping

A Rayleigh damping is defined by two factors: mass proportional damping and stiffness proportional damping.

For a Rayleigh damping, the damping for each mode (m) is given by:


  • is the specified mass proportional damping.
  • is the specified stiffness proportional damping.
  • is the modal stiffness.
  • is the modal mass.