Electrical Package in Knowledge Expert

The Knowledge Expert language is designed to create Expert Checks and Rules relying on types and functions. You can describe electrical features by defining the knowledgeware attributes.

This page gives you information about the electrical package supported by Knowledge Expert. This package can be accessed via the object browser and objects, attributes and methods in the package can be used in expert relations. You can, for example, write a rule to report in a file all the segments with a diameter greater than a specified value.

The package contains the following objects:

Important: Activate the Electrical package.
  • Select Tools > Options... > General > Parameters and Measures
  • Select the Knowledge Environment tab.
  • Select Electrical from the list of available packages and click the Down arrow to load this package.
  • Click OK to validate.


This section gives you the description and attributes of the Backshell.


Describes an electrical feature of backshell type that you create when you select Define Backshell in the Electrical Part Design workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Elec_External_Reference Type: String
Defines the external reference.

It is used in Wire Harness Flattening workbench for 2D detail graphic replacement in a drawing.

Elec_Extra_Length Type: Double
Defines the extra length of cable to be added to take into account the conductor length inside the backshell.
Elec_Sub_Type Type: String
Defines the subtype (User defined subtype).
Elec_Creation_Mode Type: Boolean
Defines the creation mode.

Is True if the Branchable is created / edited with Bend Radius Ratio mode.

Is False if the Branchable is created / edited with Bend Radius mode.

Elec_BendRadiusRatio Type: Double
Defines the value of bend radius ratio for a particular Branchable during creation / edition.

The value of this attribute is Unset, if the creation mode is Bend Radius.

Elec_AlgoType Type: Integer
Defines the algotype for the branchable.

This attribute is defined during the creation and recomputation of all branchables.

The value of this attribute is 1 for FLEX Algorithm.

If the value is 0, the algotype is set to Standard Algorithm.


This section gives you the description and attributes of the Branch.


Describes an electrical feature of branch type that you create when you select Branch in the Electrical Assembly Design workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical 3D Installation User's Guide.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


BendRadius_OK Type: Boolean
Returns True if the branch real bend radius is greater than the Elec_BendRadius attribute.
ComputedBendRadius Type: Double
Output data defining the actual minimum bend radius value computed on the segment curve.
Elec_BendRadius Type: Double
Input data defining the bend radius value that corresponds to the minimum bend radius of the branch curve.
Elec_BranchSlack Type: Double
Input data defining the percentage of distributed slack along the branch.

This attribute induces the value of the Elec_Length attribute.

Elec_ConstructionMode Type: String
Defines the segment creation mode. Four modes exist:
  • Slack: Elec_Length is not valuated.
  • Bend: Elec_BranchSlack and Elec_Length are not valuated.
  • Length: Elec_BranchSlack is not valuated.
  • StraightBand:
Elec_Length Type: Double
Defines the length when Elec_ConstructionMode is Slack or Bend.

Returns the length when Elec_ConstructionMode is Length.

IsElectricalCurve Type: Boolean
Is True if the branch curve is built using an electrical algorithm or is defined on an external curve.

Is False if the branch curve is switched to a standard spline.

IsSelfIntersecting Type: Boolean
Is True if there is self-intersecting geometry.

Is False if there is no self-intersecting geometry.

Branch Point

This section gives you the description and attributes of the Branch Point.


Describes an electrical feature of branch point that you create when you select Tools > Branch Point > Branch Point in the Electrical Part Design workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical 3D Installation User's Guide.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


This section gives you the description and attributes of the Connector Shell.


Describes an electrical feature of shell type that you create when you click Shell in the Electrical Part Design workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Elec_External_Reference Type: String
Defines the external reference.

It is used in Wire Harness Flattening workbench for 2D detail graphic replacement in a drawing.

Elec_NumberOfCavities Type: Integer
Defines the connector shell number of cavities.
Elec_Sub_Type Type: String
Defines the subtype (User defined subtype).


This section gives you the description and attributes of the Contact.


Describes an electrical feature of contact type that you create when you click Contact in the Electrical Part Design workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Elec_External_Reference Type: String
Defines the contact reference from an external library.
Elec_Sub_Type Type: String
Defines the subtype.
Elec_OutsideDiameter Type: String
Defines the hole diameter which lets the wire go through.


This section gives you the description and attributes of the Equipment.


Describes an electrical feature of equipment type that you create when you click Equipment (PLMEleRefEquipment) in the Electrical Part Design workbench.

For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Elec_Sub_Type Type: String
Defines the subtype.
Elec_External_Reference Type: String
Defines the external reference. It is used in the Wire Harness Flattening workbench for 2D detail graphic replacement in a drawing.
Elec_NumberOfCavities Type: Integer
Defines the equipment's number of cavities.


This section gives you the description and attributes of the FillerPlug.


Describes an electrical feature of filler plug type that you create when you click Filler Plug in the Electrical Part Design workbench.

For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Elec_External_Reference Type: String
Defines the external reference.

It is used in Wire Harness Flattening workbench for 2D detail graphic replacement in a drawing.

Elec_Sub_Type Type: String
Defines the subtype.


This section gives you the description and attributes of the Electrical Geometry.

Describes an electrical feature of the electrical geometry type that you create when you insert an Electrical Geometry in the Electrical Assembly Design workbench. For more information, refer to the Electrical 3D Installation User's Guide.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Describes an electrical feature of the electrical branch geometrytype that you create when you click Electrical Branch Geometry in the Electrical Assembly Design workbench.

For more information, refer to the Electrical 3D Installation User's Guide.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


You can create a protective covering of adaptive diameter type.


Describes a protective covering of adaptive diameter type that you create when you select Insert > Electrical Behavior > Protective Covering in the Electrical Assembly Design workbench. The adaptive covering is then placed using the Electrical Part Design workbench (Insert > Protective Covering).

For more information, refer to the Electrical Library and Electrical 3D Installation User's Guides.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product

Attributes listed are those specific to adaptive protective coverings. For common attributes, see Electrical Package in Knowledge Expert.


Elec_External_Reference Type: String
Defines the external reference.

It is used in Wire Harness Flattening workbench for 2D Detail graphic replacement in a drawing.

Elec_Length Type: Length
Defines the length.
Elec_Inner_Diameter Type: Length
Defines the inner diameter.
Elec_Line_Type Type: Integer
Defines the line type.
Elec_Line_Weight Type: Real
Defines the linear mass used for the flattened representation.
Elec_Ref_PartNumber Type: String
Defines the reference part number.
Elec_Sub_Type Type: String
Defines the sub type.
Elec_Thickness Type: Length
Defines the thickness.
Elec_Text Type: String
Defines the text used as an annotation.
CoveredBundleSegments Type: List
Returns the list of segments covered by the protective covering.
Elec_Preferred_Length Type: Double
Defines the preferred length of the protection covering.


This section gives you the description and attributes of the Internal Corrugated Protection.


Describes a protective covering of corrugated type that you create when you select Insert > Electrical Behavior > Protective Covering in the Electrical Assembly Design workbench. The corrugated tube is then placed using the Electrical Part Design workbench (Insert > Protective Covering).

For more information, refer to the Electrical Library and Electrical 3D Installation User's Guides.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product

Attributes listed are those specific to corrugated tube. For common attributes, see Electrical Package in Knowledge Expert.


Elec_Bend_Radius Type: Double
Defines the bend radius value, which corresponds to the minimum bend radius of the corrugated tube curve.
Elec_External_Reference Type: String
Defines the external reference.

It is used in Wire Harness Flattening workbench for 2D Detail graphic replacement in a drawing.

Elec_Length Type: Length
Defines the length.
Elec_Inner_Diameter Type: Length
Defines the inner diameter.
Elec_Line_Type Type: Integer
Defines the line type.
Elec_Sub_Weight Type: Real
Defines the linear mass used for the flattened representation.
Elec_Ref_PartNumber Type: String
Defines the reference part number.
Elec_Sub_Type Type: String
Defines the sub type.
Elec_Thickness Type: Length
Defines the thickness.
Elec_Text Type: String
Defines the text used as an annotation.
CoveredBundleSegments Type: List
Returns the list of segments covered by the protective covering.
Elec_Preferred_Length Type: Double
Defines the preferred length of the protection covering.


This section gives you the description and attributes of the Internal Fixed Protection.


Describes a protective covering of fixed diameter type that you create when you select Insert > Electrical Behavior > Protective Covering in the Electrical Assembly Design workbench. The fixed diameter covering is then placed using the Electrical Part Design workbench (Insert > Protective Covering).

For more information, refer to the Electrical Library and Electrical 3D Installation User's Guides.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product

Attributes listed are those specific to fixed diameter protective coverings. For common attributes, see Electrical Package in Knowledge Expert.


Elec_Bend_Radius Type: Double
Defines the bend radius value, which corresponds to the minimum bend radius of the fixed protection curve.
Elec_External_Reference Type: String
Defines the external reference.

It is used in Wire Harness Flattening workbench for 2D Detail graphic replacement in a drawing.

Elec_Length Type: Length
Defines the length.
Elec_Inner_Diameter Type: Length
Defines the inner diameter.
Elec_Line_Type Type: Integer
Defines the line type.
Elec_Sub_Weigth Type: Real
Defines the linear mass used for the flattened representation.
Elec_Ref_PartNumber Type: String
Defines the reference part number.
Elec_Sub_Type Type: String
Defines the sub type.
Elec_Thickness Type: Length
Defines the thickness.
Elec_Text Type: String
Defines the text used as an annotation.
CoveredBundleSegments Type: List
Returns the list of segments covered by the protective covering.
Elec_Preferred_Length Type: Double
Defines the preferred length of the protection covering.


This section gives you the description and attributes of the Internal Protection.


Describes an electrical feature of protective covering type that you create that you create when you select Insert > Electrical Behavior > Protective Covering in the Electrical Assembly Design workbench. The fixed diameter covering is then placed using the Electrical Part Design workbench (Insert > Protective Covering).

For more information, refer to the Electrical Library and Electrical 3D Installation User's Guides.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product

Attributes listed are those common to all protective covering types.


CoveredBundleSegments Type: List
Returns the list of segments covered by the protective covering.
Elec_Inner_Diameter Type: Double
Defines the inner diameter.

For adaptive diameter and tape coverings, this attribute is read-only.

Elec_Length Type: Length
Defines the length.
Elec_Line_Type Type: Integer
Defines the line type.
Elec_Line_Weight Type: Double
Defines the linear mass used for the flattened representation.
Elec_Ref_Part_Number Type: String
Defines the reference part number.
Elec_Sub_Type Type: String
Defines the subtype.
Elec_Text Type: String
Defines the text used as an annotation.
Elec_Preferred_Length Type: Double
Defines the preferred length of the protection covering.


This section gives you the description and attributes of the Internal Tape Protection.


Describes a protective covering of tape type that you create when you select Insert > Electrical Behavior > Protective Covering in the Electrical Assembly Design workbench. The tape is then placed using the Electrical Part Design workbench (Insert > Protective Covering).

For more information, refer to the Electrical Library and Electrical 3D Installation User's Guides.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product

Attributes listed are those specific to tape. For common attributes, see Electrical Package in Knowledge Expert.


Elec_Thickness Type: Length
Defines the thickness.
Elec_ExternalReference Type: String
Defines the external reference.

It is used in Wire Harness Flattening workbnch for 2D Detail graphic replacement in a dawing.

Elec_Length Type: Length
Defines the length.
Elec_Line_Type Type: Integer
Defines the line type.
Elec_Line_Weigth Type: Real
Defines the linear mass used for the flattened representation.
Elec_Ref_PartNumber Type: String
Defines the reference part number.
Elec_Sub_Type Type: String
Defines the sub type.
CoveredBundleSegments Type: List
Returns the list of segments covered by the protective covering.
Elec_Bend_Radius_Delta Type: Length
Defines the bend radius value, which corresponds to the minimum bend radius of the tape curve.

This value takes into account the segment and tape bend radius rule and ends up to an increased rigidity due to the tape.

Elec_Covering_Length Type: Length
Defines the length along the segment center curve covered.
Elec_Number_Layer Type: Integer
Defines the number of layers applied over the segment.
Elec_Tape_Thickness Type: Length
Defines the thickness.
Elec_Tape_Width Type: Length
Defines the width.
Elec_Taping_Angle Type: AngleType
Defines the taping angle.
Elec_Total_Tape_Length Type: Length
Defines the tape length; depends on the taping angle, the covered length and the number of layers.
Elec_Total_Thickness Type: Length
Defines the total tape thickness; depends on the overlap due to the taping angle and the number of layers.
Elec_Preferred_Length Type: Double
Defines the preferred length of the protection covering.


This section gives you the description and attributes of the Mounting Equipment.


Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Elec_External_Reference Type: String
Defines the reference from an external library.
Elec_Sub_Type Type: String
Defines the subtype.


This section gives you the description and attributes of the Multi Insert Connector.


Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Elec_External_Reference Type: String
Defines the reference from an external library.
Elec_NumberOfCavities Type: Integer
Defines the multi-insert connector number of cavities.
Elec_Sub_Type Type: String
Defines the subtype.


This section gives you the description and attributes of the Segment.


Describes an electrical feature of segment type that you create when you select either Branch or Electrical Branch Geometry in the Electrical Part Design or Assembly Design workbench respectively.

For more information, refer to the Electrical 3D Installation User's Guide.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Elec_Bend_Radius Type: Length
Returns the bend radius value that corresponds to the minimum bend radius of the segment curve. Same value as the branch bend radius.
Elec_Bend_Radius_OK Type: Boolean
Returns True if the segment real bend radius is greater than the Elec_Bend_Radius attribute.
Elec_Diameter Type: Length
Defines the segment diameter.
Elec_FullConnected Type: Boolean
Is True if both segment extremities are connected.
Elec_Length Type: Length
Gives the segment length.
Elec_Min_Bend_Radius Type: Length
Output data defining the actual minimum bend radius value computed on the segment curve.
Elec_Ref_Des Type: String
Defines the segment reference designator attribute, which is the unique identifier for the segment in the project.
Elec_Segreg Type: String
Defines the segment separation code used by the routing algorithm.
Elec_Sub_Type Type: String
Defines the segment subtype.
IncludedWires Type: List
Returns a list of wires routed inside the segment.
DiameterComputedFromWires Type: Real
Gives the diameter of the branch computed from the wires routed through this branch.


This section gives you the description and attributes of the Segment Extremity.


Describes the end of an electrical feature of segment type. When a segment is created, it automatically has two ends.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


IsGeoAndElecConnectionSame Type: Boolean
False if the segment end is not geometrically linked to an element (other segment end of bundle connection point) to which it is electrically connected.
NumberOfConnectedDevices Type: Integer
Defines the number of devices connected to a segment.

Returns 0 if no devices are connected, 1 if a device is connected at one end and 2 if devices are connected at both ends.

NumberOfConnectedSegments Type: Integer
Defines the number of segments connected to the selected end of a segment.
Elec_Number Type: Integer
Returns the number of this extremity (i.e. 1 or 2).
Elec_Parent Type: Segment
Returns parent segment.


This section gives you the description and attributes of the Single Insert Connector.


Describes an electrical feature of single insert connector type that you create when you click Connector in the Electrical Part Design workbench.

For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Elec_External_Reference Type: String
Defines the single insert connector reference to an external library. It is used in Wire Harness Flattening workbench for 2D detail graphic replacement in a drawing.
ElecNumberOfCavities Type: Integer
Defines the single insert connector number of cavities.
Elec_Sub_Type Type: String
Defines the single insert connector subtype.


This section gives you the description and attributes of the Splice.


Describes an electrical feature of splice type that you create when you click Connector in the Electrical Part Design workbench.

For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Elec_External_Reference Type: String
Defines the splice reference from an external library. It is used in Wire Harness Flattening workbench for 2D detail graphic replacement in a drawing.
ElecNumberOfCavities Type: Integer
Defines the splice number of cavities.
Elec_Sub_Type Type: String
Defines the splice subtype.


This section gives you the description and attributes of the Stud.


Describes an electrical feature of stud type that you create when you click Connector in the Electrical Part Design workbench.

For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Elec_External_Reference Type: String
Defines the stud reference to an external library. It is used in Wire Harness Flattening workbench for 2D detail graphic replacement in a drawing.
Elec_NumberOfCavities Type: Integer
Defines the stud number of cavities.
Elec_Sub_Type Type: String
Defines the stud subtype.


This section gives you the description and attributes of the Terminal Block.


Describes an electrical feature of terminal block type that you create when you click Connector in the Electrical Part Design workbench.

For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Elec_External_Reference Type: String
Defines the terminal block reference to an external library. It is used in Wire Harness Flattening workbench for 2D detail graphic replacement in a drawing.
Elec_NumberOfCavities Type: Integer
Defines the terminal block number of cavities.
Elec_Sub_Type Type: String
Defines the terminal block subtype.


This section gives you the description and attributes of the Terminal Strip.


Describes an electrical feature of terminal strip type that you create when you click Connector in the Electrical Part Design workbench.

For more information, refer to the Electrical Library User's Guide.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Elec_External_Reference Type: String
Defines the terminal strip reference to an external library. It is used in Wire Harness Flattening workbench for 2D detail graphic replacement in a drawing.
Elec_NumberOfCavities Type: Integer
Defines the terminal strip number of pin.
Elec_Sub_Type Type: String
Defines the terminal strip subtype.


This section gives you the description and attributes of the Conductor.


Describes an electrical feature of conductor type that you create when you insert Conductor Reference in the Electrical Assembly Design workbench.

For more information, refer to the Electrical 3D Installation User's Guide.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Elec_Bend_Radius Type: Double
Defines the bend radius.
Elec_Catalog Type: String
Defines the catalog from which the conductor is selected.
Elec_Color Type: String
Defines the color of the conductor.
Elec_Diameter Type: Double
Defines the conductor diameter.
Elec_FromConnectionPoint Type: String
Returns the reference designator value of the connection point to which the from-end of the conductor is connected.
Elec_FromContactPartNumber Type: String
Returns the part number of the contact in the device cavity to which the from-end of the conductor is connected.
Elec_FromDevice Type: String
Returns the reference designator value of the device to which the from-end of the conductor is connected.
Elec_FullConnected Type: Boolean
Is True if both conductor extremities are connected.
Elec_IsNetworkConnex Type: Boolean
Is True if a route exists between whatever nodes only using the network connected branches.
Elec_IsRouted Type: Boolean
Is True if the conductor is routed.
Elec_Length Type: Double
Defines the conductor length.
Elec_Line_Weight Type: Double
Defines the conductor linear mass.
Elec_Sep_Code Type: String
Defines the separation code of the conductor used by the algorithm to find out the conductor route.
Elec_Sub_Type Type: String
Defines the conductor subtype.
Elec_ToConnectionPoint Type: String
Returns the reference designator value of the connection point to which the to-end of the conductor is connected.
Elec_ToContactPartNumber Type: String
Returns the part number of the contact in the device cavity to which the to-end of the conductor is connected.
Elec_ToDevice Type: String
Returns the reference designator value of the device to which the to-end of the conductor is connected.
IsSingleInBundleSegment Type: Boolean
Is True when the conductor route follows at least one segment containing only this conductor.
RoutedThrough Type: CATIList
Returns the list of point.
SpecificationId Type: String
Returns the specification Id.
SpecificationPartNumber Type: String
Returns the specification part number.
Elec_Signal_Id Type: String
Defines the identifier of the signal used during the conductor routing.
ElecWireGroup Type: WireGroup
Returns the parent Conductor Group.


This section gives you the description and attributes of the Conductor Group.


Describes an electrical feature of Conductor Group type that you create when you click Conductor Group in the Electrical Assembly Design workbench.

For more information, refer to the Electrical 3D Installation User's Guide.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Elec_Bend_Radius Type: Double
Defines the bend radius.
Elec_Color Type: String
Defines the color of the conductor group.
Elec_Diameter Type: Double
Defines the conductor group diameter.
Elec_Sub_Type Type: String
Defines the conductor group subtype.
Elec_Wire_Length_Coeff Type: Double
Returns a coefficient for conductors in a conductor group. When computing conductor length, this coefficient takes into account the twisting of conductors (conductor length = conductor group length x conductor length coefficient). It can be greater than or equal to 1.
Elec_Sep_Code Type: Double
Defines the separation code of the conductor group used by the algorithm to find out the conductor group route.
Elec_Length Type: Double
Defines the length of conductor group.
Elec_WireGroup_Type Type: String
Returns the type of conductor group. Possible types are Shielded and Generic.
SpecificationId Type: String
Returns the specification Id.
SpecificationPartNumber Type: String
Returns the specification part number.


This section gives you the description and attributes of the Electrical Physical System.


Describes an electrical feature of Bundle type that you create when you insert an Electrical Physical System in the Electrical Assembly Design workbench.

For more information, refer to the Electrical 3D Installation User's Guide.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product


Elec_Ref_Des Type: String
Defines the reference designator attribute, which is the unique identifier for the electrical physical system in the project.
Elec_Sub_Type Type: String
Defines the subtype (User defined subtype).


This section gives you the description and attributes of the Green Line.


Describes an electrical feature of greenline type that you create when you select Insert > Green Line in the Electrical Part Design workbench.

For more information, refer to the Electrical 3D Installation User's Guide.

Inheritance path: Standard - Feature > ProductPackage - Product