Electrical Harness Flattening File-based Design Import

The File-based Design Import capability allows you to import V4 and V5 data into V6 and save them in database.

Some entities of V5 Electrical Harness Flattening cannot be imported into V6. For this reason, it is recommended to launch first the FBDI tool and then the post-process via Tools > Finalize Data Import. The post-process allows to complete this migration as explained in:

Important: It is highly recommended to launch a synchronization on 3D Flattening Harness and 3D Design Harness data before using the FBDI tool.

V5 V6
Flattening Parameters Imported
Length Tolerance

Imported. The Multi-branchable Parts containing Length Tolerance are also imported.

FTA Dimension Imported, but not converted as an Electrical dimension. If the design is not modified, the FTA Dimension will remain correct, but if the design is changed, the FTA Dimension will not be updated accordingly.
Electrical Links between 2 Multi-branchable Parts

Not imported. You can:

Green Line Imported
3D Flatten without Scale Segment
3D Flatten data :
The link between 3D Design Harness and 3D Flattening Harness is OK The result of FBDI and post-process is complete for flattening data: Flattening link is OK.
The link between 3D Design Harness and 3D Flattening Harness is KO The result of FBDI and post-process is complete but only the Flatten link is unset.

The user needs to re-launch Auto Update flatten link in order to reconnect the Flatten link in V5 and in V6.

Using the Post-Process or Flattening Data without constraints

When you import a Product via FBDI, the 3D Design and the 3D Flatten open in V6. Then the post-process must be executed before using Flattening functionalities, in order to retrieve all data from V5 into V6

The contextual design between segment and other electrical components (Devices, Supports, Mechanical Parts) is removed and replaced by a green line that keeps the link between elements. But the Contextual Design between the Segment and these elements is deleted. The Segment is a master element and it is not impacted by other elements.

  • The contextual design between Segment and Support is replaced by a green line.
  • If there are multiple Segments in one Support, the Green Line is created.
  • The contextual design between Segment and Devices is replaced by a green line. If there is no Contextual Design between segment and devices but an electrical link, a Green Line is created on between Connection points and Segment ends.
  • The green line for Loop is kept.
  • The Branch point is migrated to a new data model.

  1. Import a Product via FBDI. As a result, the 3D Design and the 3D Flatten open in V6.

    Note: Note that the 3D Flatten has this symbol: which means that the post-process must be executed before using Flattening functionalities, in order to retrieve all data from V5 into V6 (i.e. the link between 3D Flattening and 3D Design).

  2. Activate the 3D Design window and select Tools > Finalize Data Import. You also need to click Update.
  3. Then activate the 3D Flatten window and select Tools > Finalize Data Import. You also need to click Update. The original mask is restored and all the Flattening commands become available.

    When you launch the Flattening post-process, first the migration of electrical components is done, then the migration of Flattening attributes.

    Three attributes will be managed:

    • the flatten link attribute pointing the 3D Harness Design component. Even if the flatten link is isolated or broken, the FBDI process must be launched. As a result, the flatten link will not be valuated.
    • the Design Length attribute
    • the Synchronize attribute

    The post-process allows the user to have access to flattening data. This command is accessible only after the FBDI has been launched.

    During the Interactive command, the post-process flattening will be launched if there at least is one flattening parameter or one assembly open. The 3D Design Harness is not mandatory, but if it is not open, the user must re-launch the Auto Update Flatten Link command when the 3D Design is open.

    Internal checks are applied on electrical data (before post-process):

    • The Reference Product of the flatten assembly (with this symbol )must contain imported flattening parameters.
    • If the migration is already done on flatten assembly, you are not allowed to re-launch it a second time. The following message appears: "The post-process have been already done on 3D Flattening Harness, if the flatten link is not up-to-date, use the Auto Update flatten link command to update it. The migration has already occurred when you can see the standard icon on flattening parameters: .

  4. To check if all the Flatten data are retrieved in V6, launch Synchronize, with the activated option: Simulate. You get a html Report explaining that "the Flattening is equal to Design".

What are the actions of the Post-Process?

  1. Analyze the Flattening Harness and Design Harness data (if any).
  2. An internal feature is created inside the Flattening Representation to store the flattening attribute.
  3. The Auto Update Flatten Link command allows you to rebuild the link between the 3D Flattening Harness and the 3D Design Harness data.
  4. After this operation, the last two attributes are modified and the rule is:

    • the Design length attribute is always valuated with the 3D flattening length
    • the Synchronize attribute is always valuated with FALSE

  5. Migration on new data can take place.

    The result of post-process can be complete or partial according to the data.

    Two parameters have an impact on the post-process:

    • if the 3D flattening data contain scale segment
    • or if the 3D flattening data is not synchronized.

For more information about Electrical Harness Flattening in V6, please refer to the Electrical Harness Flattening User Guide.