Outer and Optimum Diameters

There are a few things that you need to know about the outer and optimum diameters.

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Arranging Segments in Supports

The outer and optimum diameters are displayed to help you.

The Outer diameter of all segments routed through the support. It is computed as follows:

		Outer diameter = 2*Max (distance (O, Oi) + Ri)

where: O is the center of the support

Oi is the center of segment i

Ri is the radius of segment i

The outer diameter represents the smallest circle whose center is O that contains all segments routed through the selected support.

This value is updated each time the U,V parameters are changed.

The Optimal diameter is computed as follows:

		Optimal diameter = 1.15*sqrt (sum of ((segment_radius'*2)**2))

This value takes into account the deformation of segments when tied together in a support.