About Logical to Physical Synchronization ManagerIn the Logical to Physical Synchronization Manager dialog box, there are four different lists. ElementIn the Elements list, all the elements to be synchronized are listed in form of tree structure. The physical elements to be created are displayed as child of the element in which it will be placed after synchronization. The equipments to be placed, for which physical aggregating product is not known, is added under a separate node Unknown along with it connectors. Some elements are listed in the Elements list only if its children need to be displayed and synchronized. Some elements which are not to be synchronized will be displayed to maintain the tree structure. The elements with status New are displayed with temporary name because the name of physical created after synchronization may be different. Example: electrical branch geometry, branches, segments. ModificationThe Modification list provides the details of the modification to be performed on the selected element during synchronization.
StatusThe Status list shows the validation performed by you in form of status. The different status for elements are:
FiltersThe Logical to Physical command has filters to sort the data systematically. The filters are provided as a first row for each column except User Comments list.
The combination of all these filters also can be used to filter out elements. About Equipment PlacementYou can instantiate the physical equipment from the logical by setting the business rule. The logical equipments to be placed through Logical to Physical synchronization needs to be selected from the logical. The physical equipment will be instantiated in the father product output from business rule opening L2P_ComputeFatherForPlacingEquipment. If the business rule is not set, the equipment is displayed in analysis page list as separate element with warning and status To Validate. You may select the product in physical tree where equipment needs to be placed. Right-click the selected element and select Set father. The equipment placement will not be performed, if aggregating product is not given by you either by business rule or by manual selection. |